

This super easy recipe is based on a Jamie Oliver recipe. The only thing different is that he used apricots where I used wild peaches, I added lemon curd (of course!! ;-)) and I only added the basil leaves afterwards instead of mixing them into the cheese mixture (but please feel free to do so!)....
This summery blueberry pie is just how I like it: easy and quick to make, but full of flavour ànd colour! I used a package of päte brisée (also easy to make yourself, should you want to...). I first blind baked this in the oven for about 20 minutes until the crust was brown and crispy...
The open-air museum Bokrijk has been one of my favourite places to visit in Flanders since... well, for ever (as the ones who follow me on Instagram have probably noticed already). It is just a great place to go for a walk with the family in beautiful green surroundings and meanwhile learn a bit more about farm and village life in days gone by. ...
Our youngest turned 10 today! Reason enough to throw a little party for him and his friends. We headed down to 'Het KAF' in our hometown of Aarschot for a creative workshop. Het KAF is a great project, run by young entrepreneur An-Sofie Gysemans, and organises lots of fun workshops, mainly for adults, but today for the first time... a kids party!...